The workshop has a joint programme with MSE.
This page contains the pre-proceedings versions of the papers. Post-proceedings will be published after the workshop in a joint LNCS volume for SEFM co-located events.
Tentative schedule
08:15 - 09:00: Registration
09:00 - 10:00: Opening remarks and keynote speech (chair: Elvinia Riccobene)
Luciano Baresi: Microservices are not Tiny Services: What Does That Mean?
10:00 - 10:30: Coffee break
10:30 - 12:30: Paper session 1: Scalable Architectures (chair: Patrizia Scandurra)
- Formalizing Monitoring Processes for Large-Scale Distributed Systems using Abstract State Machines [pdf]
Andreea Buga and Sorana Tania Nemeș (FAACS)
- Towards a UML Profile for Domain-driven Design of Microservice Architectures [pdf]
Florian Rademacher, Sabine Sachweh and Albert Zündorf (MSE)
- Towards a reference dataset of microservice-based applications [pdf]
Antonio Brogi, Andrea Canciani, Davide Neri, Luca Rinaldi and Jacopo Soldani (MSE)
- Towards a Taxonomy of Microservices Architectures [pdf]
Martin Garriga (MSE)
- Mini-panel
12:30 - 14:00: Lunch
14:00 - 15:00: Keynote speech (chair: Marina Mongiello)
Claudio Guidi: Jolie: a linguistic approach to microservices
15:00 - 16:00: Paper session 2: Testing and Security (chair: Paolo Arcaini)
- Generalized Oracle for Testing Machine Learning Computer Programs [pdf]
Shin Nakajima (FAACS)
- Intercepting Blackhole Attacks in MANETs: An ASM-based Model [pdf]
Alessandro Bianchi, Sebastiano Pizzutilo and Gennaro Vessio (FAACS)
- Mini-panel
16:00 - 16:30: Coffee break
16:30 - 18:00: Paper session 3: Modelling and Analysis (chair: Antonio Bucchiarone)
- A Framework for Modelling Variable Microservices as Software Product Lines [pdf]
Moh. Afifun Naily, Maya Retno Ayu Setyautami, Radu Muschevici and Ade Azurat (MSE)
- Design-time to Run-time Verification of Microservice Based Applications [pdf]
Matteo Camilli, Carlo Bellettini and Lorenzo Capra (FAACS)
- A Formal Framework for Specifying and Verifying Microservices Based Process Flows [pdf]
Matteo Camilli, Carlo Bellettini, Lorenzo Capra and Mattia Monga (MSE)
- Mini-panel
18:00: Closing remarks